Sunday, April 1, 2012

EDU 307 - What and Why you Read?

Personally, I do two types of reading.  I read items for school and I read items for pleasure.  

When I am reading for school, I read textbooks, articles, website articles, books from the library, ect.  I read whatever I am assigned whether I want to or not. I read these items because they are assigned and if I don't read them, I will not get as good of a grade. Technically, I do have a choice on whether or not I want to read for my classes, but I always ended up doing the reading.  I just can't be assigned homework and not do it.  The only time I may miss a reading assignment is if I procrastinate and don't finish the reading in time, or if I am sick or on vacation or some other circumstance. Other than that, the majority of my reading during the school year is for school and it consists of assigned readings.

When I am reading for pleasure I tend to read fiction books, magazines, and sometimes the newspaper.  Some books that I have read recently are Men are from Mars Women are from Venus, Dear John, Thirteen Reasons Why, and I am currently reading Teach Like a Champion.  I really enjoy books that I can relate to and just get lost in. I know that I am reading a book I enjoy when I don't want to put it down and I will stay up until 12:30am instead of going to bed at 11:30am. Some magazines that I enjoy reading are Cosmopolitan, US Weekly, and National Geographic.  I read Cosmo and US Weekly for fun and entertainment. I read National Geographic for information on what is going on. The newspaper I will read on occasion if I see an article that catches my eye. This will normally happen when I am looking for coupons on Saturdays.  

I believe that reading is important and the more you read the better.  I wish that I had more time to read for pleasure, but I feel like I never do. The only time I really get to read for pleasure is on my one week family vacation over the summer.  Other than that, I feel like I need to go out of my way to make time to read.

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