Sunday, April 22, 2012

EDU 307- Free Write- My Last Blog Post for 307

For my education class, our big assignment was to create a unit plan.  I am currently in the process of creating my unit plan.  I never realized how much work needs to go into a unit.  It was really hard to even come up with a unit topic because our unit had to revolve around social studies.  The reason for this is because social studies is lost in elementary classrooms.  Not many teachers these days spend enough time teaching social studies.  So my education teacher challenged us to create a unit which revolves around social studies.  Every lesson in our unit needed to be taught around social studies.  This was really hard and I think that is because it is like a lost subject.  It is really sad that kids these days are not being taught social studies because it is not on the CMTs.  I am not the biggest fan of history, but I know how important it is to know.  Currently, our education system is depriving younger children from learning about their history.  It is strange because history is important and it is not hard to incorporate with other lessons.  The CMTs are never going to go away, so as teachers we just need to get used to that.  However, we need to adapt our lesson plans so that they touch on all of the subjects. 

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