Saturday, April 14, 2012

EDU 307- Free Write - Why kids are the way they are

Currently for my EDU 309 class I am doing field work in a kindergarten classroom. I have been going every Friday since February. Some of the kids in the class have some problems. Some have been diagnosed and others have not. What is sad, is some of the kids wouldn't have these problems if it wasn't for their parents. It really bothers me that people today are having kids that they can't take care of. Some people have kids when they don't have the money to support them and others have kids when they don't have the time to spend with them. We wonder why the kids today and more and more messed up? Kids are getting more and more involved with drugs and alcohol, bullying, suicide, you name it, it is out there. If kids had parents who truly cared for them and what they do, we probably wouldn't have as many problems. Unfortunately, it is the teachers that have to deal with these problems more so than the parents. Teachers have to deal with these kids acting out for attention since they don't get it at home, or kids bullying other kids because their parents are like bullies to them, and so on. Teachers need to deal with the results of good or bad parenting. It just really makes me angry when my mentor teachers that I have worked with tell me that the child's parents just don't care or don't have time to help the child improve. A parent actually told my mentor teacher that they have a very busy life and don't have time to help the child with their reading. My response would be, then why did you have a kid? Parents tend to blame the teacher when their child is failing or doing poorly instead of themselves or their kid. When I become a teacher, I want to involve the parents as much as possible. This way hopefully what I am doing in school to teach the children will continue at home. This is a dream world though at this point because parents just don't seem to care as much anymore. Now I am not saying all parents in this response, just a select few. Normally that the select few are the parents of kids who actually need the most help and support. I just hope that the parents of the kids in my classroom actually care and offer as much support to their own kids as possible.

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