Monday, February 13, 2012

EDU 414 Blog of Choice - My Birthday :)

Last time that I wrote on my Blog, I had talked about why turning twenty one was such a big deal. I discussed how nervous I was about turning twenty one, what I was going to do for my birthday (because I had no idea at the time), and why turning twenty one was such a big deal to me and to other people.

Well my birthday was this past Saturday and I am now officially the big two one. Needless to say after all of that worrying, I had an amazing twenty first birthday weekend. Friday night, I went with my boyfriend to see the movie "The Vow". I really enjoyed the movie and my boyfriend said that it was not as horrible as he thought it was going to be. Going to see, "The Vow," on opening night however was not the smartest idea I have ever have. The movie was sold out, and we did not get there early. We sat in the fourth row from the front and we had to look up for the entire movie. The movie was also filled with eighth and ninth grade girls. Basically, we felt like the oldest people in the theater. Other than looking up the entire time and girls "ooo-ing" at Channing Tatum with his shirt off, the movie really had a strong impact on my boyfriend and I. For those who don't know, this movie is about a young couple who were head over heals in love, they had just gotten married, and then a car hit them at a stop sign and the girl's head went through the windshield. She suffered from severe brain damage and when she woke up from her coma, she doesn't remember her husband. The last thing she remembers is being engaged to her ex-fiance. I don't want to give the whole movie away, but basically it is about her husband doing everything he can to make her remember him and make her fall in love with him all over again. The reason I said that this movie really affected my boyfriend and I is because that type of accident could happen to anyone. We were talking on the way home about different scenarios. Would you rather have the person you love die? Or would you rather them not remember you (never regain their memory of you) and you would have to live the rest of your life both trying to get them to remember and trying to make them love you all over again? My boyfriend said that he would rather the person he loves dies. I was taken back by this because I at first felt I would rather have them be alive with no memory. He made a strong argument for his view though. He said that, "if they wake up, don't remember who I am, and then never regain their memory of what we had and can only remember people and events before me, they may never love me the same way again." He went on to say that at least if the person died he would be able to mourn their death and some what move on with his life. This way he wouldn't constantly be playing the what if game. I eventually agreed with him, because to know that the person you love more than anything says they don't know who you are, would absolutely break my heart into a million pieces. I would not be able to go on living everyday trying to put the pieces back together for them when they may never remember.

 Come Saturday, I was so thankful that we didn't actually get that snow storm that was suppose to ruin my birthday day. Saturday during the day I just  relaxed and got my hair done for my big birthday night. For dinner, I went to UNO's  in Milford with my family. UNO's is one of my favorite restaurants. After dinner, I decided to try my luck and I purchased two power-ball tickets. I didn't win, but at least I tried. I am not sure what I would have done with $325 million anyways, but I probably could have found something. Around nine o'clock my two friends and my boyfriend picked me up. We ended up going to three bars in Fairfield and I had a lot of fun. I remember the entire night and I didn't throw up, but I had a great time anyways. Even though I didn't do anything huge and I didn't black out, having my friends there to celebrate with me made it a great time. I wish I could rewind and relive that night again. You only turn twenty one once, and I had a wonderful twenty first birthday experience.

Sunday was my family party. My parents had invited just about everyone who had known me since I was a baby. I had my family there and family friends, and I could not have asked for a better way to end my birthday weekend. I felt so happy inside that all of these people wanted to come and spend their Sunday with me celebrating my birthday. I received so many nice gifts, which weren't necessary, but were very thoughtful. I am now going to spend this week writing out all of my thank you notes. We all ate  a delicious brunch that my mom cooked and yummy cupcakes for dessert. 

All in all, I had a great twenty first birthday. It still has not really hit me that I can now go buy alcohol and gamble at the casino, but soon enough it will. Turning twenty one was a big deal, but there really was no a need to stress out as much as I did. I spent my birthday with my family and friends and I couldn't ask for anything more. I feel as if you will always have a good time if you are with great people. I was told that now that I am twenty one, it all goes down hill from here, but I will save that for another blog post.

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