Monday, February 27, 2012

EDU 307 Write about Writing

I think that I stopped enjoying writing once I got to fifth grade or so. Whenever I started having to write specific types of essays is when it started to go downhill. Writing just wasn't fun anymore after that. Writing became more of a chore rather than something enjoyable. Having to write essays for classes now in college is not something I like to do. Every time I am assigned an essay, I dread actually sitting down and writing it. Personally, I feel like some teachers don't even read the essays that I write. I get essays back with absolutely no comments and just a grade. That bothers me especially if I don't receive the grade I wanted. At that point I have no idea what to fix or what I did wrong. On the other hand, I currently have a professor who spends two weeks grading papers and he gives 1-2pages of single spaced comments back. He also lets you re-write the papers as many times as you want until you get the grade you want. I am not totally against writing, but I would much rather write a paper for a professor who gave me comments and the opportunity to re-write. Also, I prefer shorter writing assignments. Writing these blogs is so much better than writing an 8-10page paper. Not only are the topics broad or free choice, they are also topics that interest me. I don't dread writing them because I can write them quickly and to the point. I don't need to fill it with b.s. and such just to complete the page requirement.  Writing about writing is difficult because I guess I don't hate writing, I just hate having to write essays for school. They suck the fun out of writing. I don't learn more from writing the essays I just become more stressed out. I just wish that instead of saying "you need to write a paper this long on one of these topics" they would say "i just want you to write a paper on a topic of your choice that relates to this class and it can be however long you want to get your point just has to show me that you learned something and it has to be long enough that i can tell your writing has improved over the semester". Even though that would be really broad, I would enjoy that challenge more than trying to write a 10page paper.  

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