Monday, February 20, 2012

EDU 307 Collaborative Learning and Literacy

Does collaborative learning support literacy?

Collaborative learning is when two or more people try to learn something together. Collaborative learning is different then independent learning because with independent learning, the person is attempting to learn something on their own. In collaborative learning, students are trying to learn something together with other students. Some examples of collaborative learning are jigsaws, group projects, think pair share, debates, study groups, and joint problem solving. With a jigsaw activity, the class can be divided into small groups. Each person in the group has a specific part or "piece of the puzzle". In order for each group to complete the task at hand, each group member needs to contribute their individual part. This way if everyone doesn't participate the "puzzle" can't be completed. 

I do believe that collaborative learning supports literacy. For me personally, I tend to really understand something if a peer were to explain it to me. Sometimes teachers tend to explain things in more complex terms. This makes it difficult for students to understand. However, if we are given an activity after the teacher lectures that involves group work, I can normally understand the lecture. By discussing questions or topics with peers, it clarifies what I was confused about and puts it in simpler terms. So if my students were able to collaborate with each other they would most likely learn better and understand a text better. If we were reading a book as a class or if a group of students were all reading the same book, they would be able to comprehend what they read better if they were able to talk to other students about it. If one student was confused about a certain part in the book, by talking it out with another student, they could probably understand it better. Another way that collaborative learning could support literacy is through partner reading. By reading a book with someone else, if one person doesn't understand something they can learn through their partner. By seeing another student's insight it may help the child understand what they were confused about in a different way. Collaborative learning can also support literacy through writing. By giving students a chance to peer conference about their writing will help them learn through other students. If they didn't know how to end their paper, another student could help by giving them ideas. Collaborative learning can support literacy through both reading and writing.

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