Monday, January 30, 2012

EDU 414 Blog About a Family Memory Related to School

I have so many family memories related to school. I feel very fortunate in that my family was very much involved in my school life. My parents came to every parent/teacher conference, band concert, chorus concert, and parent/teacher night, you name it they were there. My parents always made an effort to ask me "what did you learn in school today?" even if I would respond with nothing. My Mom always helped me make cupcakes or cookies to bring to school on my birthday and she always gave me a present to give to my teachers for the holidays and the end of the school year. 

I remember in first grade, every student got the chance to run the morning announcements. It wasn't my turn yet, but for a reason I don't remember my Dad came into my first grade classroom, and my teacher let me run the morning announcements. My Dad sat there and watched while I took attendance, talked about the weather, talked about the date, and whatever else we did during that time. It made me feel like I was on top of the world to have my Dad there watching me. I felt extremely special and important because my Dad got to see me do the announcements and it wasn't even supposed to be my turn to go.

Another memory I have is when my parents told me we were moving and I was going to go to a new school. I was in second grade going into third grade so it didn't really have that large of an impact on me. I was not nervous until the day before my new school's orientation. My new school allowed anyone who was new to the school to come in a day before school started to check out what the school was like. I remember walking in with my Mom and Dad to meet my third grade teacher. I remember I was really nervous and really shy. I met the other kids that moved to Fairfield that same summer because they were meeting the teacher as well. We were the new kids at the time, and I am still friends with them today. 

I remember every year on the first day of school since I was in kindergarten that I would get to pick out a new outfit. After I was dressed in my first day of school outfit, I would go outside and wait for the bus. Every year my Dad would make sure to take a picture of me before I got on the bus. My Dad would also walk me down the to the end of the driveway and wait with me until my bus came. He did this every year until I was in high school. 

My mom would pack my lunch for me everyday. I occasionally got hot lunch, but the majority of the days my Mom would pack my lunch. Every single lunch that she packed, she would always write me a note on my napkin. She would always write something along the lines of "have a great day, I love you, love Mom." These notes are something I will never forget. Even when she makes my lunch to this day (which is rare), she will still write a note on the napkin. Every time I read that note in school it always made my day a little better.

Family and school when combined can be very helpful to any child. It is so crucial for a child's parents to be involved in their school life. Parents really need to be there to help their child with their homework or practice their addition facts. Without family support, it is very hard for a child to do well and succeed in school. As I mentioned earlier, I feel very fortunate that my family was so involved in my school life. These are just a few memories I could think of at the top of my head, there are so many more. If my parents weren't there for me, I don't know if I would be where I am today. I don't know if I would have memorized my multiplication tables, or if I would be able to count change back, or if I would be able to tie my shoes. I am so lucky and I hope that every child has the same experience as me.

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