Sunday, March 11, 2012

EDU 307 - Free Write - A letter to one of best teachers I have ever had

Dear ___________,
            You were my professor for Psychology 100 last spring.  You were by far the best teacher I ever had and I wanted to write this letter to you to express my gratitude.  When I took my first college level psychology class at Stonehill College, I received a grade in the lower B range, and I did not learn anything.  The professor that I had was awful.  The lectures that the professor gave were both confusing and boring. The writing assignments and tests were all extremely difficult because I felt that I was not learning anything in class. After my final in that class, I was so thankful I would never have to take another psychology course again.
Then I transferred to Southern Connecticut State University my sophomore year and I found out that I would have to retake PSY100.  My psychology credit from Stonehill College transferred in as PSY210 so once again I was going to have to take that awful psychology class. I went on because if I had to retake the class, I was going to at least try to take it with a good professor.  I originally signed up to take the class with Bev Lavin.  She had a great review and everyone seemed to love her and her class.  On the first day of my PSY 100 class, her name was not the name written on the board.  The name written on the board was yours, and I am so grateful now that there was a change in professors.   
The main reason why I consider you to be the best teacher I have ever had is because I still remember almost everything you taught me.  The way you conducted your lectures was amazing. I learned more in your class every Tuesday and Thursday than I did in a lot of my college classes so far.  You made everything so simple.  Every single big idea, psychologist, theory, etc in psychology you put into words that I could not only comprehend, but that I could remember.  We were responsible for reading the textbook, which I did, but I did not always understand what I read.  Some of the concepts in the textbook were complicated and confusing.  It made it very hard to relate to.  By going to your class though, everything was put into perspective.
Not only did you make all of the psychology concepts so simple, you also made them very relatable.  You would use your children and other life experiences as examples.  Also, in class you had us come up with our own examples.  When I am able to relate something to my own life, I am able to remember it more easily.  I was able to recall many psychology concepts or experiments because I had a real life example to relate them to.  In addition to examples, you had us do in class activities to help us understand different concepts.  We did these activities in groups so we could learn more from our peers and individually.  One activity I can clearly remember was when you were teaching us about short term and long term memory.  First you gave us a phone number aloud and we had to write down what we remembered.  This had to do with our short term memory because we can remember seven (plus or minus 2) objects.  When you listed more than nine numbers, no one could remember them all. Then you had us write down as many states as we possibly could.  The people who were able to write all fifty states did so using a mnemonic device.  They learned a song back in elementary school which helped move the names of the fifty states from their short term memory into their long term memory.  By using these types of activities and examples in class, the majority of the information you taught is now in my long term memory.
The last reason why I believe that you are the best teacher I have ever had is because I always felt 100% ready for every test in your class.  Not only was I able to remember all of the theories, experiments, terms, etc from the examples, but you made us a study guide for every test.  Most of the teachers that I have had in college will give out study guides, but never go over them.  They pass them out and it is your job as a student to work on them and email the professor any questions.  You are the one and only professor that would actually give us class time to fill in the study guides.  Then you would go over the study guide with us before the end of class.  This way we left class with a study guide that was not only filled out, but filled out with all of the correct information.  I was able to use the study guide to really review and prepare for the exam.  Every test that I took in your class I received no lower than a 90%.  Before the test, I knew exactly what I needed to study, and during the test I could remember all of the information we learned.
After taking your class, I decided to minor in psychology.  By having you as my teacher, I went from hating psychology and thinking it was the worst subject ever, to loving psychology and realizing that I could actually do well in it.  Since your class, I have taken three more psychology classes and I have really enjoyed each one.  I never knew how interesting psychology could be and how much of an impact it would have on me studying to be an elementary school teacher.  I do have to say that even though I have enjoyed the other classes, no teacher has had as big of an impact as you.  You are an amazing teacher and I am so happy that I was able to take at least one class with you during my time at Southern.  You truly are one of the best teachers that I have ever had.

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