Wednesday, May 2, 2012

EDU 414 - Last Post

Here are some pieces of advice for your next class...
For the discussion director questions those are what I really enjoyed. I found them very interesting and I enjoyed seeing other people's opinions. Those I would definitely keep and continue to do for your next class.
The summaries are very iffy. I think they are necessary for you to tell if people read, but I did not like the format. I don't believe that the summaries should require a thesis, they should legit require a summary. I think that you can see how the student's writing improved through the summaries, but I absolutely did not like having to make it a thesis paper.
For the blog posts, those were fun. I found them interesting and I never wrote a blog before. However, I now need to delete my blog because some of the topics I discussed were not appropriate. I think you should require students to write about new topics in education. For example, the educational reform bill or the common core. Also, you can blog about your experience in field work and how you did teaching your lesson plans. We could blog about our reflections on how the lessons went.
As far as case studies, I thought those were great because I liked using I ended up using google.doc in almost all of my other classes because it was so helpful. I think that students should be allowed to pick their groups because then they can work with people they already know so it won't be as complicated. Also, I think you need to go over face to face how to create a google.doc, ect.
I really enjoyed this class in general and I loved how it was a hybrid. I have never taken a hybrid class and I found it to be very interesting. If you make some of those improvements, I think the next students will really enjoy your class even more.